Modernising the Venice sewer system - Rariplast
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Modernising the Venice sewer system

Modernising the Venice sewer system

The sewer system of the lagoon city

Venice’s sewer system is rather peculiar, consisting of a network of masonry tunnels known to locals as gatoli. Since the 1500s, these gatoli have been collecting wastewater and rainwater, which then flows into the city’s canals and the open lagoon. In the more recently built suburbs of Venice, such as Sacca Fisola, Giudecca, Santa Marta, Sant’Elena and Murano, the sewer systems consist of modern pipe networks which nonetheless flow into the waters of the lagoon.

Renovation of sewer systems in Venice in line with modern standards

Septic tanks for buildings and tailored sewage treatment or fully fledged purification plants in factories: these are the main measures being taken to adapt sanitation standards to modern levels. In addition, a general plan for the renovation of the sewer system was drawn up:

  • in the areas of the old town, which are more fragile and less suited to substantial interventions, the aim is to optimise the existing facilities;
  • the suburbs, meanwhile, are less problematic from an environmental standpoint, so modern sewer networks can be installed.

Works in historical areas

In the areas of the old town, in addition to the construction of septic tanks, the existing system is to be enhanced and updated with a view to efficiency by:

  • modernising sections and slopes
  • removing material deposited as sediment
  • restoring the perimeter of the gatoli
  • waterproofing the inner walls with fibreglass or elastoplastic sheaths
  • creating manholes for maintenance
  • reconstructing drainage outlets in the canals
  • restoring the rainwater network

Works in outlying areas

Modernisation works here are being carried out gradually with the construction of a whitewater network for rainwater and a blackwater network for used water, which is transported to a purification plant. Trust the experience and reliability of Rariplast for septic tanks in the Venice and Lido areas.

Sewer systems with rariplast

Founded in 1996, Rariplast SRL specialises in the construction of urbanisation networks and water network systems. The company offers its customers years of expertise, with a focus on wastewater treatment; among other things, we install manholes, septic tanks, lifting units and booster pumps. Non-return valves in PVC or HDPE are another one of our specialities. Do you have specific requirements? Don’t hesitate to let us know: we are experts in managing non-standard plastics, and our flexibility is what sets us apart from our competitors. Our young and dynamic team is ready to meet all your needs, ensuring that your project is a resounding success.

Contact us for a quote and we will study together the project you need!

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